127. BETTY ELISABETH DAVIDSON born 19/11/1786 at Auchtertool, was unmarried in 1810 when she had 63. Betsie Davidson. She was a field worker
The following passage is from the Kirk Session
" Auchtertool 24th Feb 1811. The session being met and constituted Elisabeth Davidson and Agnes Wilson both unmarried having been reported to have each of them brought forth a child and been previously summoned to attend this meeting of session were called but did not compear. The session appointed them to be summoned to again to attend a meeting of session next lords day.
session closed with prayer.
Auchtertool 3 March 1811.
The session being met and constituted by prayer Elisabeth Davidson and Agnes Wilson having been previously cited to attend this meeting being called did not compear.
Auchtertool 10th March 1811
Elisabeth Davidson and Agnes Wilson being called did not compear. The session after deliberating reserved the matter for consideration at a future meeting. "
I have found no other entries in the kirk session records for Elisabeth. It looks like she was able to support herself and Betsie so was not in need of parish relief. It also shows by 1800's the church had less power than previously and were not able to demand attendance to the session.
254. JOHN DAVIDSON was born at Dysart on 19th July 1761 and married at Auchtertool on 26th December 1784. By the 1841 census he was a linen handloom weaver along with his sons James and George. He died April 26th 1846 at Auchtertool.
255. KATHERINE HEGGIE was born on 24th April 1766 along with twin George at Auchtertool.
Elison Davidson b. 16/10/1785
127 Betty Davidson b. 19/11/1786
James Davidson b. 18/8/1788
George Davidson b. 1811
They were all born at Auchtertool
View from Auchtertool Parish Church
Painting of Dysart harbour
508. JOHN DAVIDSON C1730 was married on 23rd August 1754 at Dysart.
509. MARGARET SKINNER was born at Cameron in the parish of Wemyss on the 29th April and baptised on 4th May 1732 The witnesses were Thomas and Andrew Skinner and James Paterson. Her birth is recorded as 'procreat in fornication' as she was conceived out of wedlock. Her parents married 5 months before her birth.
Catherin Davidson b.30/10/1754
Janet Davidson b.29/1/1758126.
254. John Davidson b.19/7/1761
Alexander Davidson b. 23/9/1764
Thomas Davidson b.17/5/1767
Children all born at Dysart.